
Phone: +33.320.33.60.18
Natalia is Professor of Physiology at the University of Lille, France. Her group is part of the Laboratory of Excellence in Ion Channels Science and Therapeutics. She leads the "Calcium signatures of prostate cancer" team certified by the National League Against Cancer. Her scientific interests include the function and regulation of ion channels and the role of ion channels and calcium signaling in carcinogenesis. She is author of more than 150 publications and obtained a number of prestigious prices and grants.

Loïc LEMONNIER, PhD, HDR inserm
Phone: +33.320.33.68.38
Loïc obtained his PhD in Biology from the University of Lille 1 (France) in June 2004. During his PhD, he studied the involvement of VRACs (Volume-Regulated Anion Channels) in prostate cancer progression under the supervision of Pr. Roman Skryma. After a postdoctoral fellowship in Dr. JW Putney lab (NIEHS, North Carolina, USA), he was recruited as an Inserm researcher (CR) in 2008. His research activity is now focused on TRP and SOC calcium channels and their role in prostate cancer.

Phone: +33.320.33.63.82 univ-lille

Phone: +33.320.33.64.21 univ-lille

Phone: +33.320.33.71.93
Pascal Mariot obtained his PhD in Life Sciences (Neurosciences and Pharmacology) from the University of Bordeaux II, in September 1993. During his PhD, he focused his studies on the role of ion channels and proton transporters in the secretion of pituitary hormones. He then joined in September 1993 the Department of Physiology at University College London for 3 years (1993-1996) , where he studied GTP-dependent mast cell degranulation using membrane capacitance monitoring. From 1996 to 1997, he obtained a post-doctoral position at the University Catholique de Louvain (UCL, Belgium) in the department of endocrinology (Brussels, Hopital Saint Luc), and worked on the role of voltage-dependent Ca channels and ATP-dependent K channels in insulin secretion. He is a permanent member of the laboratory of Cell Physiology, Lille since September 1997, where he works as an Associate Professor to investigate the mechanisms, and noticeably the role of T-type calcium channels, involved in prostate cancer cell carcinoma progression.

V'yacheslav LEHEN'KYI, PhD, HDR univ-lille
Phone: +33.320.33.70.78
Dr. V'yacheslav LEHEN'KYI is an alumni of the University of Taras Shevchenko, Biological faculty, Department of Biochemistry. In October 2001 he obtained his PhD in Pharmacology in the Laboratory of Experimental Therapy, at the Research Institute of Pharmacology and Toxicology, Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine. His PhD work concerned the sensitivity of the vascular smooth muscle contractile machinery to the NO action. In 2002-2003 he did his first postdoc in the Laboratory of Molecular and Cell Cardiology headed by Dr. Rodolphe Fischmeister, at the University of Paris XI where he studied small GTPase Rac1 and CDC42 effects of cardiac hypertrophy. His second postdoc he continued in Kyiv where he studied the cGMP-independent effects of NO on the arterial smooth muscles. Dr. V'yacheslav LEHEN'KYI joined our Laboratory in 2004 as a postdoctoral researcher to study the mechanisms where such TRP calcium channels as TRPV6, TRPV2, TRPC1-6, in adition to the calcium channel Orai1 and ER calcium sensor STIM1, are involved in the prostate cancer. During 2004-2015 his second research project related to the role of the above channels in the skin homeostasis such as a balance of proliferation, differentiation, migration and senescence.
Today, Dr. V'yacheslav LEHEN'KYI is responsible for the research Axis:
- EXTRAPEP (project funded by SATT du Nord at the level of 660 000€ for 2 years)
- Role Of The Calcium Channel TRPV6 In The Development Of The Bone Metastasis In Prostate Cancer (project funded by “Ligue Contre Cancer” at the level of 40 000€ /year for 3 years)
- Role of the TRPV6 and KCa3.1 channels in pancreatic ductal carcinoma (PDAC) (projects funded by “Ligue Contre Cancer”, 20 000€ and our LAI).

Emmanuelle GERMAIN, PhD univ-lille
Phone: +33.320.33.64.21

Christophe TASTET, PhD
Phone: +33.320.33.63.45
Christophe Tastet obtained his PhD in Proteomics from Ecole Normale Supérieure Agronomique de Rennes in May 2000. During his PhD (INRA), he focused on the application of a putative fatty-acid binding protein to discriminate serologically two European quarantine phytoparasites from other species by means of two-dimensional electrophroregram (2D IEF/SDS-PAGE) computed analysis. In 2001, he was a postdoctoral fellow in the laboratory of Dr Thierry Rabilloud at the Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique (CEA, Grenoble) where he has specialized in protein solubilisation and extraction, with a focus on membrane proteins.
Then, he completed a second postdoctoral fellowship in proteomics applied to Parasitolgy (Malaria) at the CNRS Montpellier under the supervision of Drs Henri Vial and Jean-françois Dubremetz. Recruited in 2005 as Assistant professor (Maître de Conférences) in the laboratory INSERM u908 « Signalisation des facteurs de croissance dans le cancer du sein - Protéomique fonctionnelle) managed by Pr Hubert Hondermarck; he joined our laboratory (INSERM u1003) in 2014 to study the protein interactions between the plasma membrane and the RE (or mitochondrial) by means of cationic colloidal silica cell surface proteome analysis (prostate cancer cells).

Phone: +33.320.33.64.21
George Shapovalov has done his PhD at California Institute of Technology, applying biophysical methods to study mechanosensitive channels at single- channel methods, working on isolated as well as synthesyzed proteins reconstituted in artificial liposomes. He continued his activities as a postdoc in University of Geneva, studying role of various ion channels in Duchene Muscular Dystrophy. He entered our laboratory as a postdoc in July of 2010 and became as Associate Professor in Sept 2014. His research covered topics ranging from studying role of TRP channels in prostate cancer progression to development of approaches to study intracellular ion channels and their regulation by endogenous protein partners.

Fabien Vanden-Abeele, PhD
Phone: +33.320.33.70.78 inserm

Charlotte DUBOIS, PhD
Phone: +33.320.33.70.78
Charlotte DUBOIS obtained her Ph.D. in Biological Sciences at the University of Lille. During her PhD (sept 2011-dec 2014), she conducted 2 projects: (1) the role of ORAI1/3 (ARC) channels during prostate cancer progression and (2) the characterization of Thapsigargin analogues (i.e. ASP-8ADT also known as G-202(R) (Mipsagargin). Then she moved to the University of Leuven (Belgium) to join the laboratory of Pr. Peter CARMELIET (Laboratory of vascular biology CCB, VIB KULeuven) to study the metabolism of endothelial cells during physiological and pathological angiogenesis. From October 2015 to September 2018, she has depicted a new non-metabolic role of the glutamine synthetase (GLUL) during angiogenesis. She has joined back our lab in November 2018 to conduct a project founded by the Fondation de France and I-SITE Université de Lille. Using an oncogram strategy she aims to (1) predict efficiency of (combined) chemotherapies to offer a personalized medicine for each patient and (2) identify (calcium-dependent) molecular mechanism(s) involved in therapeutic escape of solid cancers (such as prostate). In November 2021 she has been recruited by INSERM as CRCN (full-time researcher). Her project will focus on the different roles of ORAI1/3 channels within the prostate tumor microenvironment, with a specific focus on the neuro-angiogenesis process.

Alessandra FIORIO PLA, PhD, Professor
Associate Professor in Physiology
Dept. Life Sciences and System Biology (DIBIOS)
University of Torino,
Torino, Italy
Phone: +33.320.33.68.38
Alessandra's research activity is focused on cell physiology with particular interest for Ca2+ channels characterization and their involvement in angiogenesis and tumor progression by combining calcium imaging and live cell imaging techniques with cell biology. She is mainly interest on the role of TRP channels in the different pathophysiological role in tumor vascularization and particularly in cell migration and tumor invasion.

Yaroslav Shuba, Professor, PhD biph.kiev
Phone: +33.320.33.62.70

Phone: +33.320.33.62.70
Valerio Farfariello obtained his PhD in Immunological Sciences from the Sapienza University, Rome (Italy) in March 2012. During his PhD, he studied the role of Ca2+-permeable channels (TRPV family) in the maturation of thymocytes. In this period, he also studied the role of TRPV channels in the proliferation and malignant phenotype of brain, bladder and prostate cancer cells. Valerio joined our laboratory in January 2014 as a postdoctoral fellow to study the role of Ca2+-permeable channels in senescence and senescence escape occurring during prostate carcinogenesis. He is also responsible of a project dedicated to the comprehension of the mechanisms of chemotherapy resistance caused by the senescent microenvironment with a focus to Ca2+-channels.

Phone: +33.320.33.62.70
Maya had MS in Biological Science from the American University of Beirut, where she was selected by Erasmus Mundus International scholarship for excellence (2010-2014) tu pursue a PhD in cell and molecular biology in our lab. her PhD project involved the role of calcium-permeable channels in the regulation of autophagy in prostate cancer. After investing her studies as a biology professor in higher academic institutions, she joined back our lab in 2021 as a post-doc to investigate the role of calcium in the control of autophagy and cell death for future development of novel autophagy modulators targetinf ion channels for cancer treatment.
Phone: +33.320.33.64.23

Phone: +33.320.33.64.23
Lina received her master degree in Immunology from the Lebanese University in July 2018. She joined our lab in November 2018 to study the role calcium-permeable channels in senescence during prostate carcinogenesis, as PhD student in co-tutelle with the Lebanese University.
Benjamin SORET, MS
Phone: +33.320.33.64.23
Phone: +33.320.33.64.23

Alexandre BOKHOBZA, MS
Phone: +33.320.43.40.77
Alexandre Bokhobza obtained his master degree Biologie et santé from EDBSL (Ecole Doctorale Biologie et Santé Lille 1, Lille2), in June 2011. Alexandre joined our laboratory in September 2011 (Titularisation December 2013).
Sandy Despeghel, MS, Inserm
Phone: +33.320.33.64.23
Sandy joined our laboratory as a lab manager in March 2021.
Brigitte MACQUART, Université de Lille univ-lille
Phone: +33.320.43.40.57